Remembered my post ” Not a good wife” the one in which I’m complaining about me taking so much time cleaning after eating. I’d probably find out the reason why I have so much trouble cleaning. In my class today, …
Chuyện của Mai Articles.
Over a lifetime, all of us change to an extraordinary degree. From a physical degree, I started off as a little bundle (of joy) about 50 cm high, 3 kgs with soft skin, good smell and a smile on my …
I’ve been homebound for exactly 1 week and I can tell you that the one thing I enjoy the least is cleaning my house. I like a clean house. The floor should be polished, it should smell nice, the kitchen …
It would be a miss if I didn’t mention the time of Covid in this blog. I have stayed home for the last 7 days, I mean literrally not stepping out of my apartment. Thank God that I have a …
On the last 3 days before Saigon total shutdown, we were going like crazy selling everything that we got on hands. I was on the car with Thao to deliver as much ice cream as we can, we were running …
5/7/2021 Instead of “Mom”, she’s gonna call me “Point B.” Because that way, she knows that no matter what happens, at least she can always find her way to me. And I’m going to paint the solar system on the …
Discretion: this is a homework that my teacher has given me before the next class. It’s quite hard for me to dig deep and find my sadness. I was searching through my mind for sadness, what makes me sad these …
Helloooo from my favorite blue chair, It’s been so long I know that I keep on saying sorry. And I’m keeping on not writing. But I think I gotta say sorry, I’m back, I don’t know for how long but …
In my previous “social active” life I must have posted hundreds of post, exposing my thoughts to the world. Among those posts, this particular one stays on my mind. I still remember my first business, the Convenient store from Shop …